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Waitohu – Dr Hinemoa and Millie Elder

Mother and daughter and the Māori lunar calendar

Waitohu – Dr Hinemoa and Millie Elder
Sunday 15 September at 12.00pm
Turner Centre Bar
Tickets: Full $25, Concession $20
Duration: 50 minutes

Caroline and Dave say: We both loved reading Hinemoa’s Aroha, which has connected with a wide audience. Hinemoa’s books are a wonderful mix of philosphy and culture. And how cool to have Millie here too with her mum!   

Dr Hinemoa Elder (Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa, Ngāi Takoto, Ngāpuhi) is a psychiatrist and best-selling author of Aroha and Wawata. In this session, Hinemoa and her daughter Millie Elder chat about their mother-daughter relationship and how they use Hinemoa’s latest book Waitohu, a journal based on the Māori lunar calendar.

Waitohu can help you make deeper connections using the energies of Hina the Māori moon goddess and the power of aroha.

This writing journey is fuelled by the whakataukī (proverb) ‘ka mua, ka muri’, ‘walking backwards into the future’.

Every month we circle back to the beginning of the book, rediscovering thoughts from the month before under the illuminating gaze of each moon face.

Waitohu is a much-needed companion to help us navigate the turbulent waters of our complex world, and Hinemoa’s response to many requests for a journal to record life lessons.