The Festival simply would not be possible without the support of so many generous sponsors, funders, patrons and supporters. It takes a huge amount of energy and money to plan and deliver a festival of this scale and we are truly grateful to all of those who have seen the value of what we do and helped make it all possible.
Major Funders

Corporate Sponsors

Kipa Munro and Ngāti Rēhia, The Turner Centre, Black Box Theatre, Ministry of Education Creatives in Schools, Royal New Zealand Ballet, Lauren Byrne, Nigel Wooding – BOIAFT auditor, cadplanz, Sandy Mecredy, Tricia Scott, St. John the Baptist Church Waimate North, Kerikeri Theatre Company, Ako Hokianga, Alex Bell – Pompallier Mission and Printery, The Office Kerikeri, Dalton Trust.